June 6-10, 2025

Vital Stuff


The total price of this trip is $1525 per person. (That's a couple hundred dollars lower than our friendly competitors.... except that we transport your bike and luggage for free from NYC and home again, and they don't, but are we going to boast? We are not.)

Kids 6-12 on ride day are half price.

Kids under 6 are free.

At this time we need just a $200 deposit to hold your spot on this very popular ride. (Same deposit price for kids 6-12 and adults).

All kids need to be registered, even those traveling for free. 

60 days after you register we will send you an invoice for the balance.

You can pay the balance by check or credit card.  Pay by check and we will subtract $25 per person from your total bill!


Need to Cancel Right Away?

You have 14 days from the time you register to cancel without penalty. You get back that entire $200. 


You'll be charged a $200 deposit on your credit card.

We'll send you an invoice for the balance. 

The Price of the Ride Includes

Round-trip transportation for your gear and fully-assembled bike from NYC to the ride and back. 

Daily shuttle to take all of your gear to the next overnight town.

Breakfast and dinner every day.

Mid-ride snacks every day.

Full mechanical support.

Campsites every evening with hot showers and flush toilets.

Admission to Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater house for a tour.

Post-ride snacks and adult beverages each day after the ride.  Evening campfires.

Pittsburgh's Bicycle Museum.

Hotel room in Cumberland, MD on the last night of the tour. 

(2 people per room. Private rooms available at additional cost).

Not Included

Transportation to the Pittsburgh start line and back home again. (We'll transport your bike and luggage for free -- you have to pay to transport you.)

We strongly recommend that you take Amtrak. Complete details here. Estimated cost -- about $80 each way.

If you take Amtrak to Pittsburgh you will arrive on the evening before we start pedaling. You will need somewhere to stay overnight -- details here.  Estimated cost -- about $200 per room (NOT per person).  

Camping gear.  If you have your own that's great; if not it is easily rented online.  Details here.

* Some folks prefer to stay in bed and breakfasts instead of camping, and we can help!  We don't earn anything when you stay in a bed and breakfast -- you pay them directly. Details here.


We end our trip after a fantastic downhill ride into the town of Cumberland, MD. After a couple days out camping we figure you are ready for a hotel room!

Your Cumberland, MD hotel room is included in the price of the ride, based on two people per room. If you prefer to have your own room that is absolutely fine. It will cost you $100 extra. (We don't profit from that -- we just give the money to the hotel!)

Please enter the name of your roommate below. 

If you are taking a private room just write Private Room below.

We have heard from both men and women looking for a roommate to share their hotel room. If you would like us to find you a roommate of the same gender, please write Find Me a Roommate below.

Getting Home from the Ride

The ride starts in Pittsburgh and ends in Cumberland, MD about 150 miles away. (That's the DRIVING distance -- pedaling distance is shorter).

We will transport you from the finish line for free to the nearby Amtrak station in rockin' Altoona, PA for the trip back to Manhattan. All the details here.

If you want to be transported from the finish line back to where we began the ride in Pittsburgh we are happy to oblige -- we will drive there early on the morning of June 10th.

Please note that this return transport to Pittsburgh is limited -- please sign up for it now if you want it.



Tell us about any special meal needs and we'll do our very best for you! Check all that apply.


You can bring as many pieces of luggage as you wish on the trip at no charge, but there are just a few rules:

1. You must be able to lift EACH piece over your head. (Because if it's too heavy for you it's too heavy for us!)

2. Pretend you are checking your bag with an airline. That means no open-top tote bags, shoes tied on the outside, bags lashed together, trash bags used as luggage (we see it too often!) We will turn each bag upside down before we put it in the luggage truck. If stuff falls out, it's no good! (Are we mean or what!)


When we get closer to ride day we send out emails with all the stuff you need to know -- where to show up, when... The only problem is that we find that -- at best -- 70 percent of the riders actually read that stuff!

No problem-o! Everything you need to know is right here on the Quick Start section of our website.

SO... raise your right hand and repeat after me:

"Being a smart and totally awesome person, I promise to either:

A) Read the emails when they get sent out (and make sure they're not in my spam filter).

B) Skip the emails but read the Quick Start guide.

C) Use my psychic powers to know what to do.

D) Not send an email to Glen at 1 a.m. on ride day marked URGENT -- WHAT TIME DO I SHOW UP? WHERE'S THE START LINE?



I, the undersigned, have read the refund policy for the ride, which can be found on the All the Bad Things on One Page section of our website, and agree to the refund policy terms.

Waiver and Release of Claims: In consideration for your allowing me to participate in PEDAL THE G.A.P., I, the undersigned, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, waive and release any and all claims for damages, COVID, death, personal injury or loss of property which I may have or which may accrue to me as a result of my participation. I, the undersigned, discharge and release BICYCLE SHOWS U.S., Glen Goldstein, and their respective agents, vendors, rest stop locations, mechanics, boards and commissions from all liability arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in this excursion, whether or not caused by the negligence of any of the above parties. I acknowledge that this event may involve risks, including the risk of falling, collision with other bicyclists, motor vehicles, or stationary objects, and the conditions of the road. My participation is voluntary and done at my risk. I voluntarily assume all risks of loss, damage or injury that may be sustained while participating in this event. I recognize that an event of this nature can be physically demanding. I understand and agree that medical or other services rendered to me by or at the insistence of any of the above parties are not an admission of liability to provide or continue to provide such services, and are not a waiver by any of the said parties of any right hereunder. I understand that serious accidents may occur during bicycling excursions and that participants in this excursion may sustain mortal or serious injury as a consequence of their participation. I understand that my bicycle or other equipment may be stolen, damaged or destroyed during the ride, including during transportation in our rented trucks, buses, or other vehicles. Nevertheless, I agree to assume these risks and to release and hold harmless all of the persons mentioned above who might otherwise be liable to me for damages. I attest that I have checked the equipment I will use in this event and it is in good mechanical condition. I understand that bicycle helmets can prevent injuries and I agree to always wear a SNELL or ANSI approved bicycle helmet properly on my head whenever bicycling during this event. We reserve the right to cancel the ride if we feel that riding conditions are dangerous to you or others. The ride may also be canceled by an outside agency not controlled by us. No refunds or credits will be issued if the ride is canceled. I have read and understand everything written above and I voluntarily accept this agreement.
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